Saturday, June 9, 2012

D.i.y Glass Bottle Planters

Aloha lovely reader!
So, I've been doing more gardening, and today, as I was headed to throw some glass tea bottles into the recycling bin, I was struck with an idea...
Hmmm, I thought to myself, what would happen if I threw some dirt and seeds in these things?
I just so happened to have some extra zinnia seeds, so I went to town.
Here's the tutorial on how to create some unique, recycled planters!
You'll need glass bottles or jars, seeds, stones (for drainage), and of course, potting soil!
1) Fill bottles an inch or two with stones. 2) Pour soil into the bottles. Fill almost to the top, leaving however many inches the recommended seed depth is. 3) Sprinkle seeds into the bottle's opening. 4) Fill the bottle the rest of the way up. 5) Water and wait for a sprout!
Happy planting everyone!
I'm off to watch Vampires Suck, which I haven't seen yet, so I hope it's good!
Nighty night,

Friday, June 8, 2012

Gardening away...

As promised, here's that future post about gardening! I was happily planting until it started pouring buckets and thundering and lightning. But at least I didn't have to water! Thanks Mother Nature!
 My garden isn't too full yet, because my wallet isn't either. Ideally, I would have had seeds sprouting, but none I planted did anything with all of the rain lately! Anyway, here are some photos I took today: 
 A lovely assortment of the flowers I bought sitting on my deck begging me to plant them.
 This is the most passionate zinnia I've come across in awhile.
 Ranunculus! Although I have no idea how to spell it, I lovelovelove them.
 Dahlias...definitely in my top 10 favorite flowers!
 Portulaca...I got pink and red ones, but I'm afraid they're a little shocked after the huge rainstorm we just had...
 A macro shot of the orange ranunculus.
 A crazy daisy we found at WalMart!

 The poor things were really root-bound...but we fixed 'em up! smells exactly like honey!
 Flaca the Fly.

 Arnold the Ant. And the yellow ranunculus!

 My toesies and my posies.

Me getting down and dirty...with my portulaca?

So tomorrow we'll see how the gardens fared, and until then, I'm going to work on compiling a list of my top 10 favorite flowering plants. I'll be sure to share it with you soon! What are some of your favorites?
Have a loverly evening,

More art!

Recycled art is becoming a thing for me. I think it's really important to keep as much as we can from landfills, and every little bit counts. We've also started composting and recycling (which will be in future posts) and I was inspired. Here's another piece of magazine art I made yesterday. I think I'm going to add a pile of acorns behind the squirrel, but here it is!
Now I'm off to plant my lovely little flowers. Flower shopping in the rain is the best, but planting them is even better! (That'll be in a future post too!)

Keep on keepin' on,

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I'm Feeling Crafty...

I highly suggest this project to anyone with patience, Mod Podge, a magazine, and some free time.
I got super bored today, and rather than sit here on the computer and do nothing with myself like I always do, I thought I'd get a little creative...and then this happened!

I Mod Podged some newsprint on a small canvas (Roughly 8x10), and then went to town with scissors on magazine pages. And more Mod Podge. So much Mod Podge. Although, one thing to be careful of  is using too much Mod Podge. I did that in a couple of spots and it causes the paper to wrinkle.
I want to make some more of these, because I need wall art!

I hope some of you try this out...if you do, I'd love to see a picture of your work!
Ta-ta for now,

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

D.i.y Fun Photo Garland

Earlier today, I was thinking what a shame it was that most photos (of mine at least) end up in my computer, on Flickr, or on Facebook...and stay there. For like...ever. Very rarely do I ever print them out or frame them. Photos on Facebook and Flickr are great, but you'd be surprised at what a difference it makes printing them out and displaying them in real life.
This project is perfect for rainy days (or sunny days, or moderately cloudy days when you're not sure what the weather's going to be) and it does just that! Enjoy!


You'll need: Twine/ribbon, pretty scrap paper (for flags), your photos (spread out on the page like they are in the picture--this is important for later!), scissors, and a glue stick.
1) Cut the twine to the length you want your garland to be. 2) Cut out your photos, making sure to cut so that there is a tab (roughly 1/4 inch) on the top of each photo. 3) Now to make the flags! Cut a square roughly 4 in x 4 in from a piece of your scrap paper. 4) Fold said square in half. 5) Cut a triangle from the folded square by cutting two diagonal lines up and away from the middle. Be careful, since it's important that these two halves match up when they are folded over the twine. 
 6) Glue one side of the triangle and fold it over the twine, pressing both sides together. 7) Repeat this process with the rest of your paper. Make about as many flags as you have photos for an even alternating design. 8) Now for your photos! Fold the tabs on top of all your photos over the back and crease. 9) For each photo, run a line of glue along the tab 10) Fold photo tabs over the twine. For some of my photos, I found it was helpful to secure the back with some tape.

And voila! You now have a cute and personal decoration to hang anywhere!

I'm sure there are a ton of ways to embellish this project (ribbons, anyone?). Let me know how you did it, and while you're at it, go ahead and link to a photo of your finished project in the comments!
Now I think I hear my bed calling my name...

Mission Accomplished

Alright, so, one day later than expected, but I just opened a PayPal. And you know what that means?

It's almost ETSY TIME!

Yes, I did just type that.
But anyways, I'm super excited and I hope you guys are too!
Here's today's photo, titled "Citrus on a Stem"
Plus, I've got a DIY photography project coming up, and I'll be sure to post it as soon as I can!
Have a fantastic day!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Almost There...

Hey guys!
Tomorrow's Sunday, so the bank will be closed, but I'm opening a PayPal account on Monday, which means I am one step closer to opening my Etsy shop! I've got a few choices for the photos I'll put up
(including today's photo, "Fairytale Forest")

 but it would be great if you guys checked out my Flickr account and commented on the photos you think you would be most likely to want to see on Etsy.
Thanks for the feedback!

Friday, June 1, 2012

At Last!

Hi! It's been quite awhile since I last posted, I know. But now that school's out, I'll have tons more time to focus on this blog.
Soon, (very soon) I'm going to be opening an Etsy shop where my photography will be for sale. Here's a sneak peek....

Check out my Flickr account here and let me know what you think!
Have a loverly Saturday...